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- 三轴数控机床(Three-axis CNC machine tool)
- 数控车(lathe)
- 数控铣( milling )
- 磨床(Grinding )
- 刨床(planer)
- 三轴数控机床加工优势(Machining advantages of three-axis CNC machine tools)
- 多轴数控机床( Multi-axis CNC machine tools)
- 四轴数控机床( Four-axis CNC machine tool )
- 五轴数控机床( Five-axis CNC Machine tool)
- 车铣一体数控机床( Integrated CNC Machine tool)
- 多轴加工优势(Advantages of multi-axis machining)
- CNC功能(CNC function)
- CNC加工特点( Function features of CNC )
- 国内品牌(Domestic Brands)
- 国外品牌( Foreign Brands )
- 按键介绍(Key Introduction)
- 功能介绍(Function Introduction )
7.设计规则(Design rules)
- 壁厚大小( Wall thickness )
- R角(R Angle)
- 孔的直径大小(Diameter of hole)
- 孔深(Hole depth)
- 螺纹(Thread)
- 编程软件(Programming software)
- Autodesk fusion CAM
- 北京精雕(Beijing fine carving)
- powermill
- Cimatron
- Ecandle
- 手工编程 (Manual programming)
- 手动编程优缺点(Advantages and disadvantages of manual programming)
- 自动编程(Automatic programming)
- 自动编程优缺点( Advantages and disadvantages of automatic programming)
- 编程注意事项(Programming Considerations)
- 坐标系设定(coordinate system setting)
- 刀具参数(Tool parameters)
- 检查程序(Inspection programming )
- 加工方向(Machining direction )
- 刀具选择( Tool selection)
- 刀具大小(Tool size)
- 刀具材料(Tool material)
9. 安全规范操作
- 上机前(Before running)
- 检查机床(Check machine tools )
- 正确佩戴劳保用品(Wear labor protection products correctly )
- 检查保养记录(Check maintenance records)
- 上机时(during running)
- 关好防护门(Close protective door)
- 不可私自修改机床参数( Do not modify machine tool parameters without permission )
- 清理切削屑,不可用手( Clean cuttings without hand)
- 主轴完成停止才可以换刀(The tool can not be changed until the spindle is stopped)
- 发生机床问题,立即停机,待修复后才可以操作( If there is a problem with the machine tool, stop the machine immediately. It can be operated only after repair)
- 检查是否工件夹紧(Check whether the workpiece is clamped )
- 上机后(After computer)
- 加工完成,切掉电源(Finish machining, cut off the power supply)
- 清理机床切削屑(Clean machine tool cuttings )
- 加工完成,机床保养和维护(Finish machining, maintenance and maintenance of machine tools )
ABS加工方式(ABS processing mode)
尼龙加工方式(Nylon processing method)
铝合金加工方式(Aluminum alloy processing method)
铜加工方式(Copper processing method )
钢加工方式(Steel processing method)
亚克力加工方式(Acrylic processing method )
MDF加工方式(MDF processing mode)
其他材料( Other Materials )
- 优点(Advantages)
- 缺点(Disadvantages )